Healthy Spine Exercises
Here are some at-home exercises you can do to help stretch and strengthen your spine
Moving your body is an essential part of keeping your body feeling young and pain free. Craig McLean DC, owner and principal chiropractor with over 20 years of experience, has filmed a few simple routines to help your spinal mobility and health.
There is both a basic set of neck and low back stretches and movements to wake up your spine, and a more advanced set. If you have any concerns about whether you should be doing any of these exercises, please consult your chiropractor or, if you are new to the community, please so not hesitate to get in touch and book a consultation with one of our many experienced chiropractors.
Please do start slowly, and stop immediately if there is any pain. Although some of these exercises use weights, they can also be performed at home simply using your own body weight (without dumbbells).
Remember, the best way to keep your spine supple is to take it through its full range of motion on a daily basis. These exercises will help you in this process.